Residents of Bengaluru who are waiting for some respite from the heat in the form of rain will have to wait almost another week, according to India Meteorological Department (IMD) Bengaluru. While it has rained across various parts of coastal Karnataka, north interior Karnataka, and south interior Karnataka in the last few days, rain remains elusive for Bengaluru. Bhalki in Bidar district received the most rainfall of 4 cm, followed by 2 cm rainfall in parts of Uttara Kannada, Bidar, Belagavi, Gadag, and Vijayapura districts. “The rain in many parts of the State is owing to strong convection and movement across the State. From Sunday, there will be a decline in rainfall, and we are not expecting any rainfall in north interior Karnataka for the next three days. The entire State will be dry after two days. Then subsequently the rain will again pick up,” said a scientific officer from IMD Bengaluru. She also said that there are no chances of rainfall for extreme south-east districts like Kolar, Chickballapur, Ramanagara, Bengaluru Rural, and Tumakuru (to some extent), in the future. Meanwhile, clear skies are expected in Bengaluru on Sunday with the maximum temperature likely to be around 36 degrees Celsius and minimum to be around 22 degrees Celsius.