Study Reveals Low Back Pain, Depression, Headaches as Top Health Issues

Study Reveals Low Back Pain, Depression, Headaches as Top Health Issues

New research published in The Lancet journal has highlighted the main causes of poor health that adversely affect quality of life. The study analyzed data from the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic and found that low back pain, depressive disorders, and headaches were the primary contributors to deteriorating health. The research suggests that existing treatments for low back pain are ineffective and better management tools are needed. In contrast, therapy or medication can effectively address depressive disorders, but lack of accessibility remains a concern. The study also revealed that women suffered more from the secondary effects of COVID-19, including long COVID and mental disorders, while men were more likely to die from the infection. The researchers emphasized the importance of ensuring treatment access for individuals with depression, especially considering its dramatic increase during the pandemic. The study, which analyzed data from 204 countries and territories, provided updated estimates from the Global Burden of Diseases study 2021. The research calls for a comprehensive effort to address these health issues and improve overall well-being.

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