Joe Biden Receives Endorsement from Kennedy Family

Joe Biden Receives Endorsement from Kennedy Family

The legendary Kennedy clan endorsed US President Joe Biden during a campaign trip to Philadelphia, underscoring the threat posed by family black sheep and independent candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr. Biden expressed his gratitude for the endorsement, which came from 15 members of the Kennedy family. The endorsement is crucial amid fears that Robert F Kennedy Jr’s campaign could tilt the election to Trump in November’s US presidential vote. Biden emphasized his political connection to the Kennedy family, positioning himself as the political heir to former Attorney General Robert F Kennedy Sr. The endorsement is significant in uniting not just Democrats but all Americans, including Republicans and independents. Robert F Kennedy Jr, while respecting the family’s decision to back Biden, acknowledged the difference in opinions within the family. Joe Biden, in his response, highlighted his admiration for the Kennedys and his connection to figures like Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. The endorsement is not the first show of support for Biden from the Kennedy family. The article also mentions the concerns among Democrats that Robert F Kennedy Jr’s campaign could act as a spoiler for Biden’s chances of a second term in the White House. Democrats have learned from past elections that long-shot outsiders can impact election outcomes. Kennedy, who initially started his White House bid as a Democrat, eventually exited the primary after experiencing alleged bullying tactics from Biden allies. The article concludes with a link to read more about the endorsement.

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