Exploring the Basics of Numerology: Meaning and Characteristics of Numbers

Exploring the Basics of Numerology: Meaning and Characteristics of Numbers

Numerology, often regarded as the ancient language of numbers, is a fascinating field that explores the connection between numbers and various aspects of our lives. This practice goes way back to ancient times, and folks in those days used it to figure out things about the world, foresee events, and learn more about themselves. In numerology, there are nine main numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 where each number has its own special meaning and characteristics. Let’s explore the meaning of each number in the field of numerology. Number 1: The leader, the pioneer, the individualist. Number 2: The diplomat, the peacemaker, the harmonizer. Number 3: The creative, the expressive, and the communicator. Number 4: The builder, the organizer, the practical. Number 5: The adventurer, the freedom seeker, the change maker. Number 6: The nurturer, the caretaker, and the responsible. Number 7: The thinker, the analyser, the seeker of knowledge. Number 8: The leader, the organizer, the achiever. Number 9: The humanitarian, the altruist, the visionary. Calculating your numerology numbers is pretty simple. There are three main ones: Life Path Number: This comes from your birth date and shows what your life is all about. It shows the purpose or mission of life. Expression Number: This comes from your full name (first, middle, and last) and tells about your personality and how you show yourself to the world. It is said to represent your personality and traits. Soul Urge Number: This comes from the vowels in your full name and represents your inner desires and dreams.

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