Actor Shriya Saran has been receiving accolades for her outstanding performance in the series ‘Showtime’. She recently took to Instagram to share some happy selfies with her co-stars Emraan Hashmi and Mouni Roy. Directed by Mihir Desai and Archit Kumar, ‘Showtime’ is an epic saga that revolves around legacy and ambition in the world of cinema. It provides a glimpse into the multi-million dollar industry of Bollywood, shedding light on subjects like nepotism and power struggles. Emraan Hashmi plays the role of a producer in the show. Shriya Saran expressed her admiration for Emraan, praising him for his humble and hardworking nature. She found his journey in the industry inspiring, from winning the hearts of fans to becoming an actor known for nuanced performances. The show has garnered attention for its portrayal of real-life actors and producers. In addition to Shriya Saran, Emraan Hashmi, and Mouni Roy, the series also features Naseeruddin Shah and Mahima Makwana. ‘Showtime’ can be streamed on Disney+ Hotstar.
Shriya Saran Shares Pictures with Showtime Co-Stars Emraan Hashmi and Mouni Roy