Pakistan acknowledged on Thursday that India has been regularly sharing updates about the flow of floodwater under the Indus Waters Treaty. According to the Foreign Office (FO) spokesperson, the treaty has played a significant role in bilateral cooperation between Pakistan and India. Signed in 1960 after nine years of negotiations, the treaty sets out a mechanism for the exchange of information and cooperation regarding the use of rivers’ waters. Pakistan expressed its commitment to the full implementation of the treaty and hopes that India will remain committed as well.
In recent developments, India had rejected the Court of Arbitration and its verdict on the Kishanganga and Ratle reservoirs issue. However, the FO spokesperson stated that India cannot be compelled to join the Pakistan-initiated proceedings. India maintained that the dispute is already being examined by a neutral expert under the framework of the Indus Waters Treaty. The spokesperson added that India has been sharing regular updates and reports on the water discharge towards Pakistan since the recent heavy rainfall and increased water flows. This sharing of information has been expected under the Indus Waters Treaty.
Regarding other matters between Pakistan and India, the spokesperson declined to comment on possible defense deals between the two nations during the Indian Prime Minister’s visit to France. She also mentioned that Pakistan’s Prime Minister has established a committee to discuss the circumstances of the Pakistani cricket team’s participation in the World Cup. The committee will deliberate on this question and make an announcement once an outcome is reached.
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