Private hospitals in no hurry to buy covid vaccines

Private hospitals in no hurry to buy covid vaccines

Private hospitals in India have not shown much enthusiasm in procuring COVID-19 vaccines for their facilities. Despite the Indian government allowing private hospitals to directly purchase vaccines from the manufacturers, many of them are choosing to wait. One of the major reasons for this approach is the availability of free vaccines through the government’s national vaccination program. The government is currently prioritizing vaccinating the vulnerable populations and intends to expand the vaccination drive to the general public soon. Private hospitals see this as an opportunity to vaccinate more people for free without incurring any additional expenditure. Moreover, there is also a sense of uncertainty about the vaccine pricing, as manufacturers are expected to increase the prices for private buyers compared to what the government is currently paying. The slow pace of vaccine procurement by private hospitals may impact the overall vaccination speed in India, especially if the government’s free vaccination drive faces any supply or logistical issues. Currently, a major chunk of the vaccination in India is being carried out by government health centers, with private hospitals playing a relatively smaller role. It is estimated that only around 10-15% of the total COVID-19 vaccinations in India have been administered in private hospitals. Despite this, some private hospitals have expressed interest in purchasing vaccines, particularly if they cater to specific demographic groups or have high-risk patient populations. However, at present, the enthusiasm among private hospitals to directly procure vaccines remains low. The decision to wait and rely on the government’s vaccination program seems to be driven by a combination of factors, including cost concerns, the uncertain pricing of vaccines, and the benefits of the government’s free vaccination policy. It remains to be seen how this will affect the overall vaccination drive and if private hospitals will eventually step up their efforts to procure vaccines for their facilities.

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