Kerala Assembly Expresses Concern Over Harassment of South Indians in Bombay

Kerala Assembly Expresses Concern Over Harassment of South Indians in Bombay

The Kerala Assembly unanimously adopted an official resolution today, voicing “grave anxiety over the continued harassment of and assaults on South Indians and especially Keralites in Bombay by Shiv Sainiks”. The resolution further called upon the Government of India “to intervene urgently to protect the lives, properties, and right to work of the minorities in the city of Bombay.” The Chief Minister, Mr. C. Achutha Menon, moved the resolution, and he also promised to consider sending a deputation of Kerala MLAs to the Prime Minister and the Maharashtra Chief Minister. The Chief Minister emphasized that the Maharashtra Government should provide adequate compensation for the loss of life and property suffered by Keralites in Bombay. He also sought the support of Kerala MPs and the Centre to address this issue. The Chief Minister deplored the criticism of the Congress party on this matter and called for unity among all sections of society, including the Congress, to tackle the problem.

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