Parsi and Irani Zoroastrians to celebrate new year 1403 at Navroz

Parsi and Irani Zoroastrians to celebrate new year 1403 at Navroz

Variously over Wednesday and Thursday, Parsi and Irani Zoroastrians in Mumbai will put out a table bearing seven auspicious items whose names start with the letter ‘S’ as they welcome Navroz or New Year 1403. The classic array includes sprouts, apple, wheat halwa, garlic, vinegar, oleaster, and sumac. Symbolism of new life and the stirrings of spring are written all over the ritual. The festivities extend to the annual spring equinox, where traditional dishes, cultural events, and Parsi Gujarati comedy plays are enjoyed. Mumbai, the financial and commercial capital of India, is known for its vibrant and cosmopolitan culture.

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