JD(S) workers from Mandya Lok Sabha constituency in Karnataka staged a sit-in in front of former chief minister and party state president HD Kumaraswamy’s residence in Bengaluru, urging him to contest the parliamentary polls from the seat. Kumaraswamy, who had just returned from surgery, addressed the workers briefly and said that the party will decide on the candidate in a couple of days. JD(S) has tied up with BJP for the elections, and BJP has offered JD(S) three seats under the seat-sharing deal – Mandya, Hassan, and Kolar. While former MP CS Puttaraju’s name is being speculated as the Mandya candidate, a section of party workers wants Kumaraswamy to contest. Kumaraswamy’s son, Nikhil Kumaraswamy, who is also the JD(S) youth president, is also in the race for the ticket.
JD(S) cadres want HDK to stand from Mandya