Mohammed Abdul Arfath, a 25-year-old student from Hyderabad, who moved to the US in 2023 to pursue his master’s degree in Information Technology at Cleveland State University, was found dead in Cleveland, Ohio. The Indian embassy in New York confirmed the news in a social media post, expressing their deepest condolences to Arfath’s family. The embassy stated that they are working with local agencies to ensure a thorough investigation into Arfath’s death. Arfath’s parents had received a ransom call demanding one lakh rupees for the safety of their son. The authorities in the US reported that Arfath was last seen wearing a white T-shirt, red jacket, and blue jeans. Arfath’s death adds to the list of Indian students and Indian-origin people who have died under mysterious circumstances in the US, raising concerns among the Indian diaspora.
Indian Student Found Dead in Ohio after Being Missing for Three Weeks