A case has been registered against Union Minister of State Rajeev Chandrasekhar for allegedly making statements that promote enmity between different groups. The BJP has criticized the action, while Chandrasekhar claims that the FIR was registered for exposing the appeasement of Hamas by Congress leader Rahul Gandhi and Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan. The Kerala police registered the FIR on its own in connection with Chandrasekhar’s recent statements on social media regarding the Kochi blasts and a Hamas leader’s virtual address at an event organized by an Islamist group in Malappuram district. The FIR states that Chandrasekhar posted statements and videos on his social media accounts with the intention of disrupting communal harmony and inciting violence in Kerala. BJP Kerala chief K Surendran has accused the Pinarayi Vijayan government of supporting divisive forces and those with extremist views. The BJP has announced that it will face the case against the central minister both politically and legally.
Kerala: Union MoS Chandrasekhar booked for alleged controversial remarks