Rights and Wrongs

Rights and Wrongs

What is right at a certain point of time may not be so at a different time. So, too, what we think is wrong now, may not be wrong in another situation, time frame or even culture. Any action that goes against the law or harms another person is obviously wrong. Cruelty is also deemed as wrong. However, most actions fall into grey areas where it is difficult to clearly recognize right and wrong. What may be right according to one person may be considered wrong by another, leading to subjective approaches that blur the lines. In situations where it is challenging to determine what is right or wrong, considering the potential consequences of our actions can be useful. However, even this approach is subjective, as what may be beneficial or moral to one person may not be to another, especially considering changing times, values, and cultures. In addition to legal, human rights, and cruelty tests, assessing the ethics of an action and its outcomes can provide insight into its rightness or wrongness. Sometimes, refraining from action altogether is also an option. The concept of right and wrong is complex and subjective, with no definitive answer applicable to all situations. The views expressed in this article are solely of the writer and do not reflect the opinions of www.economictimes.com. [Read More](https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/opinion/speaking-tree/rights-and-wrongs/articleshow/101495239.cms)

TIS Staff


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