Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday said many great civilisations had perished but there was a consciousness in the soil of India, which has saved the nation from ancient times till today. Addressing the programme marking the culmination of ‘Meri Maati Mera Desh’ campaign’s Amrit Kalash Yatra at Kartavya Path in New Delhi, the PM explained why soil was used as an element for the culmination of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav and cited the words of a poet to say that it was the soil of the land where civilisations had flourished, humans had progressed and it held the imprint of eons.
The programme marked the closing of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav. During the programme, the PM laid the foundation stone of Amrit Vatika and Amrit Mahotsav Memorial and launched the ‘Mera Yuva Bharat’ (MY Bharat) platform for youth of the country. “India’s soil has consciousness. It has a life form that has prevented the downfall of civilisation,” the PM said, noting how a multitude of civilisations had collapsed while India still stood strong. “The soil of India creates an affinity for the soul towards spirituality,” he said as he highlighted numerous sagas of India’s valour and touched upon the contributions of Shaheed Bhagat Singh.
Modi said India’s independence was the fulfilment of the common resolutions of every citizen and urged people to protect it with unity. Noting the resolve to make India a developed country by 2047, he said this special day would be remembered by the nation upon the completion of 100 years of independence. Drawing an analogy to the Dandi March, the PM said Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav had created a new record of people’s participation. “Dandi March reignited the flame of independence while Amrit Kaal is turning out to be the resolution of the 75-year-old journey of India’s development,” he added.
Modi said as we bid goodbye to a grand celebration, we are initiating a new resolution with MY Bharat. “MY Bharat organisation is going to play a big role in nation-building in the 21st century,” he said. Pointing to the collective strength of Indian youth, the Prime Minister said “Meri Mati Mera Desh Abhiyan is a live example of how the youth of India can organize and achieve every goal. The PM highlighted India’s achievements during Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav and mentioned India’s rise to the top five economies in the world, successful landing of Chandrayaan 3, organisation of G20 Summit, record 100-medal haul at the Asian Games and Asian Para Games, inauguration of new Parliament building, passage of Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam, new records in exports, agricultural produce, expansion of the Vande Bharat train network, initiation of Amrit Bharat station campaign, country’s first regional rapid train Namo Bharat, creation of more than 65,000 Amrit Sarovars, launch and expansion of made in India 5G, and launch of PM Gatishakti Masterplan to improve connectivity. Home minister Amit Shah, I&B minister Anurag Thakur, and culture minister G Kishan Reddy were present on the occasion among others.