Kangana Ranaut, the renowned Bollywood actress, owns a majestic house in Manali worth an estimated Rs 30 crores. The house exudes European charm with its charcoal grey facade, contrasting white windows and doors, and louvred shutters. Inside, the house boasts stunning interiors that perfectly blend luxury and comfort. The living room features a stylish compact bar area adorned with elegant pendant lights. In the master bedroom, you’ll find a tastefully designed space with vintage-style furniture, including a lavish bed, personalized dresser, and wardrobe. Situated at the back of the house, the glass conservatory offers a serene setting with a cane sofa, single chairs, and a coffee table crafted from an upcycled cart. Spanning over 7,600 square feet, the property has 7 bedrooms and 7 bathrooms, showcasing the charm of Himachal Pradesh with its breathtaking views and authentic mountain-style architecture made of river stone, local slates, and wood.
Inside Kangana Ranaut’s Rs 30 crores Majestic Manali House